Saturday, July 31, 2010

Here is a new conky/lua setup from me.

This is based on a wallpaper created by the ever talented gutterslob which he posted on the crunchbang linux website here.

This was posted back in March and I said at the time that it would make a great conky but I never went any further than that. Then recently I saw someone else on the crunchbang site post a screenshot using the wallpaper and, as I had some time to kill, I started making a conky display based upon it.

This is how it turned out (everything is labeled in the picture)

The code is on the crunchbang website here.
The code is ugly, overlong, overcomplicated and far from user friendly. The Lua script is an amalgamation of bits of previous lua scripts with modifications but I have yet to go through the code and clean it up.

There are some innovations. I think my clock turned out quite nicely and I haven't seen a clock like that before. I also liked the idea of a wordless/numberless figure (which this is)

Also my upspeed and downspeed bars, while seemingly simple, display speed as a percentage of total possible speed (determined via speed testing). The lua script can differentiate between bytes, kilobytes and megabytes per second (that is output by the conky object upspeed for example) and calculate speed in a single unit which makes this possible.

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